Monday, May 5, 2014

Muncy Trip

Today, instead of digging we went to visit the Muncy Historical Society and Heritage Park. The Historical Society operated a house museum which we visited first. The house was packed with artifacts from local digs and donations from people and associations in the area. A good deal of their exhibits focused on the canal as it was very important to the area. a lot of what they do deals wight the canal and the locks down at the Heritage Park.

The Heritage Park itself was home to several archeology digs which located the lock master's house, garden, and garbage dump. There is also a well in the park which was associated with the lock master's house which was also excavated. The park itself runs along and includes a part of the old canal and even has a bridge running over the canal itself.

We received a tour from a member of the Muncy Historical Society who talked us through all the exhibits in the house and the Heritage Park.

Afterwards we went to Eder's which is an old ice cream parlor in the area.