Thursday, May 15, 2014

Last Day of Glunk Dig

Due to weather concerns we only dug in the morning today. At the site it was cloudy and there was a slight drizzle for a while. Our goal was to bring all the pits level and take down the walls between our pits. To this end I continued to excavate the South East Quad down to 39 inches, which took almost no time to as the sand matrix was much lighter by this point and easier to dig through. Then Elizabeth dug out the North West Quad while I simultaneously dug out the South East Quad. We chunked right through both quads in almost no time as we were finding no artifacts or features and the soil was much easier to dig through. Once we brought our pit level with the others and the wall between EU18 and EU17 had been taken down, we started to bring down the corner baulks which we had left to hold the stakes in. Unfortunately we were only able to bring these down to the end of the first level just about, as we were leaving semi-early.

Back at the college, we cleaned artifacts for the rest of the day.